Thursday, July 10, 2008

tv news

we have cable again!

it was busted for a week and things got all weird in the apt: g sat down with me at the dinner table one night and asked (uncomfortably, as if on a first date) what my favorite movie was; monday night, i had a dream where i had become so frustrated with not having tv that i decided to turn my life into a tv show--all my dialogue was scripted and every room i was in only had three walls, but there was never a film crew in sight. i woke up very confused and a little freaked out (and i'm not even on the nic patch). i guess i was super productive. that was good. but me being productive might as well fall into the weird category.

anyway, our house is now back to normal and you can expect h and i to act accordingly. meanwhile, in other tv news...

SPOTTED: C in CHELSEA at a bar on 23rd and 9th. he apparently ALWAYS has this face on--sitting at the bar, walking out of the bathroom, asking for a light, was amazing. rumor was that he was in there with blair. that was never confirmed. he is short.

while I'm talking about cw, why are they remaking 90210? and why is it starring aunt becky with a black son?

1 comment:

Holly G. said...

ok, maybe I am crazy but I think I saw the pretty one (Nate Archibald) the other day on 6th Avenue. I didn't have any tv withdrawal, but I am definitely experiencing some serious Gossip Girl withdrawal! My life is feeling exceedingly empty without this melodramatic comparison point!