Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mall-ternative Sampler

While working on Presidents Day, Andy and Renda and I decided to make a 90s alternative playlist. A high percentage of these songs are not technically "alternative," but they do paint a fairly accurate picture of mid-nineties radio. We thought it might be fun to have a 90s party on Kurt Cobain's birthday, but quickly discovered that his birthday was Feb. 20, which was only two days away, and the 90s party was scrapped.

On Friday, I took a detour from the free mostly-snooze-a-thon that was Studio B and stopped in at a random party in Greenpoint. Coincidentally, these friends of friends were having their own 90s party, and requested guests to BYO flannel. I was wishing I had brought my own slip dress.

In honor of the 90s and my fond memories of nights drinking unlimited coffee and eating curly fries in diners such as this one—Allentown's Hamilton Family Restaurant—here is a nineties playlist to shuffle at your leisure. Ready yourself for overwhelming feelings of angst (of both the teen and nineties variety).

Part I
Part II

1 comment:

JR said...

you have bettered my day.